
The reason for this blog

Many times this summer as I've traveled down the path of my Achilles journey, I've taken to the internet to find firsthand accounts...

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Day 123: Battery Pack Bandaid

It was Tuesday... I promise you,  I remembered the Walmart debacle. Before I left the house,  I said to John,  "A quick trip to Aldi won't overdo, will it?" It would.... ohhhhhh it would.

In the second-to-last aisle, I realized it. Before I got to the register,  I text John, "Foot not doing well." When I collapsed into the driver's seat, I nearly cried.... I overdid again.

This time, though, I got a nice little booby prize for overdoing.... by the next day,  a lump of localized swelling had developed right over my Achilles. It made my ankle look kind of deformed. It hurt... some, but not too bad. I was icing and elevating like a madman,  but by this morning it wasn't really changing.  I rescheduled my PT to get an opinion from the head therapist. 

Good news: he doesn't think I damaged it...  bad news: I seem to have a bit of tendinitis flaring up. We took it easy wth exercises (I didn't have much choice cuz I was in a bunch of pain) then they sent me home with this George Jetson like bandaid.... it has some kind of anti-inflammatory medicine in it and a battery too... for 14 hours it will be delivering medicine to my tendon in the hopes of reducing the inflammation.

Jami always has to have a lesson... a takeaway to make the pain worthwhile... but honestly I'm struggling to get my bearings here... I think for now my takeaway is: save my steps for the good stuff (going to church, parties,  the campground) and leave the mundane (Walmart, Aldi, Pick N Save) in the hands of my CAPABLE assistants.

Sigh... signing off for the night... praying this high tech bandaid does it's magic.

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