It was Tuesday... I promise you, I remembered the Walmart debacle. Before I left the house, I said to John, "A quick trip to Aldi won't overdo, will it?" It would.... ohhhhhh it would.
In the second-to-last aisle, I realized it. Before I got to the register, I text John, "Foot not doing well." When I collapsed into the driver's seat, I nearly cried.... I overdid again.
This time, though, I got a nice little booby prize for overdoing.... by the next day, a lump of localized swelling had developed right over my Achilles. It made my ankle look kind of deformed. It hurt... some, but not too bad. I was icing and elevating like a madman, but by this morning it wasn't really changing. I rescheduled my PT to get an opinion from the head therapist.
Good news: he doesn't think I damaged it... bad news: I seem to have a bit of tendinitis flaring up. We took it easy wth exercises (I didn't have much choice cuz I was in a bunch of pain) then they sent me home with this George Jetson like bandaid.... it has some kind of anti-inflammatory medicine in it and a battery too... for 14 hours it will be delivering medicine to my tendon in the hopes of reducing the inflammation.
Jami always has to have a lesson... a takeaway to make the pain worthwhile... but honestly I'm struggling to get my bearings here... I think for now my takeaway is: save my steps for the good stuff (going to church, parties, the campground) and leave the mundane (Walmart, Aldi, Pick N Save) in the hands of my CAPABLE assistants.
Sigh... signing off for the night... praying this high tech bandaid does it's magic.
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