
The reason for this blog

Many times this summer as I've traveled down the path of my Achilles journey, I've taken to the internet to find firsthand accounts...

Monday, July 10, 2017

Day 57: Cripple cardio

Sitting on my rear all of the time was getting really old. I needed to get moving and get my heart pumping a little bit. So I came up with cripple cardio.

*I started out sitting on the top step off my stairway.

*Using a triceps dip, to lower myself from step to step, I crawled down the steps.

*At the bottom of the steps, I did some squats (stood up and then lowered back down onto the second to last step) for 5 repetitions.

*Then using my crutches I did one lap through the kitchen, dining room, and living room back to the stairs.

*Again at the bottom of the stairs, I put my hands on about the 4th step and did 5 push-ups.

*Then I crawled up the stairs on all fours to my starting position.

The first time I did 30 minutes of cripple cardio. That. Was. TOO. Much. I was bone-weary for several days after that. So the next time I backed down to just 10 minutes of cripple cardio and worked my way from there.

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