
The reason for this blog

Many times this summer as I've traveled down the path of my Achilles journey, I've taken to the internet to find firsthand accounts...

Monday, June 12, 2017

Day 29: Bye-bye cast!

So after seeing him literally twice a week the first two weeks after surgery, I made it through my doctor's ENTIRE vacation without any problems. My visits though literally started and ended his vaca. I was his last appointment before leaving for vacation and his first appointment after his return. I guarantee I was happier to be there bright and early the Monday after his vaca than he was. I was so anxious to have my cast removed I could hardly contain myself.

While I had only been in this specific cast for 10 days, it had been three weeks of casting and I was ready for some freedom!

 It was time to say goodbye to my pretty pink cast.

The cast came off with very little drama. Stitch removal was a bit intense. I guess cuz an ankle is so wrinkly and creased some if the stitches were pretty deep in there. I toughed it out because nothing was dampening my joy on cast removal day!

He inspected my incision, gave it a thumbs up, slapped some tape stitches over it, and sent me on my way with these instructions:

*3 days... before getting it wet. Then just let tape stitches come off naturally.
*Non-weight bearing for one more week. Then start bearing weight with crutches.
*A week after that start PT.
*A week after starting PT start taking out the wedges once every two weeks.
*Come back in 6 weeks.

That was it! I practically FLOATED out of his office I was so excited!

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