Saturday, September 30, 2017

Day 139: Balance

I'm slowly getting a feel for how much I'm able to do without overdoing it. Last night I stayed home from seeing Sabryna cheer 

(GUTTED me! I had to miss CHEER!) because I knew the walk through a football stadium would be way too much. #tears

In general,  I can walk all around my house.... I can do most of my regular activities.....  But stores,  festivals, stadiums... too much for now. 

My doctor KEEPS reminding me that even professional athletes going to therapy 3x a day need 9 to 12 months to fully recover from a full rupture of the Achilles tendon. Bless his heart! He just still doesn't know me well enough to know that doesn't help! I wanna be wholly healed NOW! #sigh 

So right now I'm focusing on a butt ton of Pilates, balance exercises, and stretching. I'm not even allowing myself to THINK about cardio for the foreseeable future.  I am only going to travel through this rehab ONCE. Lord willing (and Jami's stubbornness succeeding) I'll NEVER do this again!

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