Thursday, September 28, 2017

Day 137: The devil's ball

Have you heard of a BOSU ball? Or as I like to call it, the devil's ball?

I've seen it lurking over there in the corner of the PT room... I just always refused to accept the fact that it would one day be a part of my life. No longer.

On day 137, I was introduced to Satan's weapon of evil. It wasn't as awful as I thought it would be,  but it wasn't fun either.

It's basically half a stability ball... platform on one side,  stability ball on the other. My goal was simply to step up and down on the stability ball side. 

I was terrified of what would happen when my still recovering new tendon encountered such instability,  but I guess that was the point. In order to grow.... my muscles,  tendon, stabilizers.... need to encounter instability and react properly to it.

It wasn't a HARD exercise.  It was just terrifying. My body quickly got the hang of it, but my mind kept screaming,  "BACK AWAY FROM THAT DEFORMED BALL!" all the way through to the final rep... it was just as scary on the final rep as it was on the first one. But I made it through, and I'm done with that terrible torture. At least for the next 4 days... sigh.

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