Sunday, October 15, 2017

Day 154: A weird pop!

So this morning I was flexing and pointing my foot.  (I do this all the time to keep it from getting too stiff.) And my Achilles started to snap, crackle,  pop... you know that sound your joints make now that you're old.... (honestly my joints have been making that sound all my life thanks to cheerleading and gymnastics). 

After about 4 or 5 pops, it stopped and I realized,  "I have better range of motion in this tendon now!" I could flex my foot back farther,  rotate my ankle more freely... this snap, crackle, pop deal brought progress!

I wondered if I had broken up some scar tissue in there or something.... Regardless it didn't hurt. It actually made things feel better so I didn't worry too much about it.

(For anyone keeping track... today is exactly five months since I ruptured my Achilles tendon.)

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