Saturday, September 16, 2017

Day 125: Hello darkness my old friend

The downward slide continues. Now in addition to awkward swelling, I've added some significant pain when walking.  I am SUPER discouraged.  The Jami mindset does not make allowances for backward steps 😢 I see the doctor on Tuesday for my next follow up appointment so I'll get his opinion then,  but for now I'm taking some HUGE steps backward to give my foot some rest. It's not an innovative concept,  but I'm praying it will help RICE.

1. Rest... Hello darkness my old friend.... I put the boot back on to give my Achilles a rest. Gosh, I did NOT miss this thing!

2. Ice... Continuing my ice obsession. Upped my game by buying 4 more packs of frozen peas. Ice is pretty much my best friend right now. 

3. Compression... at PT they advised I wrap it with an ace bandage to squeeze the inflammation out... I've got that going on inside my boot.

4. Elevation... as often as possible I've got this foot up.  But I do NOT like being back to doing nothing for myself.

Stay tuned.... I'll update after my doctor appointment Tuesday.

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