Monday, September 4, 2017

Day 113: Overdid

Well.... I got cocky.... and the results were pretty disastrous..... or at least pretty painful. Yesterday at the pool, it was like I was just back to normal. So in my ultimate wisdom I decided I was ready for more. I went to Walmart all by myself. I shunned the embarrassing little handicapped person scooter, opting to just lean on my cart as needed.

My first mistake was in grossly underestimating how long I would be walking around Walmart. I started a timer to count it as exercise. I figured I might get in almost 30 minutes. When I got back to the minivan, the timer said 1 hour and 16 minutes. 😨

My second mistake was in thinking that because I could walk from my chair to the pool I was ready to walk around the entirety of Walmart. I. was. not. ready. 😣

The problem, as I explained it over and over again to those who glared at me because I overdid it, is that you don't really know you are in the process of overdoing it. You can't know until you've overdone it. That verb tense right there is my entire struggle right now.

These tragic mistakes set me back several days. I had to really up my icing game and sit my big butt back in my recliner more often. But I learned a valuable lesson:  one hour of walking is a no no.

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