Friday, June 2, 2017

Day 19: A pretty pink cast for my birthday

Since Wednesday, my pain had been escalating.  It was my BIRTHDAY, and I was MISERABLE. I couldn't get comfortable.  My foot felt like it was going to swell right out of the splint/cast thingy. I was CONSTANTLY using ice on the back of my knee, and I was flat on my back with my leg up on the wall at the head of my bed most of the day. Nothing brought me relief!

I reluctantly called the doctor again. I felt like such a stalker. The nurse assured me that Dr. Fischer would want to check me AGAIN and make sure I was doing okay. So I begrudgingly scheduled an appointment, ON MY BIRTHDAY.  ☹

Everything looked GREAT he said.  But for a reason I didn't really understand, he decided to put a full, real fiberglass cast on. (Thank you,  Jesus! This did the trick!)

I chose pink because... well it's PINK. My foot looked all deformed like a duck-billed platypus,  but I didn't CARE.  This felt SO much better!

duck-billed platypus
We headed home. It felt like my b-day was a TOTAL wash until Tiffany Wier showed up with a birthday cake that she SAID was made at Wal-Mart,  but I know that angels really made that cake in Heaven. (It was THAT good.) Then Christina and Matt brought their gorgeous lil girls by to cheer me up. So my birthday ended on a good note, and I got a pretty pink cast too.

Legs up the wall. The ULTIMATE in elevation!

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