Monday, July 24, 2017

Day 71: Thankful for my helpers

On day 71, I took the time and used social media to THANK my wonderful helpers. 71 days of waiting on me hand and foot... caring for me with love and patience even when they were SICK of me!

Here are the posts:

This guy... chauffeur... companion... nurse... he's doing a great job letting me be the patient this summer #caregiver #JohnJoseph #lovethisman #TakinCareOfMomma #RupturedAchilles #summer2017

This boy... all summer he's worked a big, man's job... 40 hours... HARD, sweaty work... every morning before he leaves, he brings me my cup of coffee (since I can't get it myself) and a kiss goodbye... #mybarista #NoahJames #lovethisboy #TakinCareOfMomma #RupturedAchilles #summer2017

Then there's this one.... when I'm NOT hurt he does ALL the laundry and cooks some meals... but this summer he took his game UP a notch... he is our chef doing ALL the cooking and even meal prep too! And he does it ALL with a smile and a GENUINE desire to serve.... #servanttothecore #JeremiahDavid #lovethisboy #TakinCareOfMomma #RupturedAchilles #summer2017

My water boy... and I drink A LOT of water... he gets it just right... ton of ice... bendy straw... #keepinmehydrated #ElijahDaniel #lovethisboy #TakinCareOfMomma #RupturedAchilles #summer2017

In this house princesses  WORK... and this one sure does... she's my lil beauty assistant... astringent ✔ 
eye cream ✔ 
moisturizer ✔ 
deodorant ✔ #beautycoach #HannahBeth  #lovethisgirl #TakinCareOfMomma #RupturedAchilles #summer2017

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