Monday, July 10, 2017

Day 57: Cripple cardio

Sitting on my rear all of the time was getting really old. I needed to get moving and get my heart pumping a little bit. So I came up with cripple cardio.

*I started out sitting on the top step off my stairway.

*Using a triceps dip, to lower myself from step to step, I crawled down the steps.

*At the bottom of the steps, I did some squats (stood up and then lowered back down onto the second to last step) for 5 repetitions.

*Then using my crutches I did one lap through the kitchen, dining room, and living room back to the stairs.

*Again at the bottom of the stairs, I put my hands on about the 4th step and did 5 push-ups.

*Then I crawled up the stairs on all fours to my starting position.

The first time I did 30 minutes of cripple cardio. That. Was. TOO. Much. I was bone-weary for several days after that. So the next time I backed down to just 10 minutes of cripple cardio and worked my way from there.

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