Monday, June 19, 2017

Day 36: Weight Bearing with crutches!!!

You would NOT believe what freedom comes from just being able to put your foot down and bear weight on it!

It had been an uneventful week really. I had progressed to bringing my injured leg into the shower and washing it! (Oh blessed loofah sponge! You are Heaven sent!) There were A LOT of tape stitches back there so they weren't falling off any time soon no matter how hard I scrubbed. 

Bright and early on the morning of the 36th day, I got to start bearing weight, and just like that it felt as if I had hit the summit of this long, long journey. Until you have to do it,  you just don't get how hard using only one leg can be.  Just being able to put my foot down when getting up out of a chair was sweet, sweet freedom. It felt a little like winning the lottery! I had made it through the non-weight bearing phase! Can I get a hallelujah?

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