Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Day 9: More pain meds

The next day I called the doctor about the pain.  Just to be sure my cast wasn't too tight, they wanted me to come in to get checked out.  They unwrapped the whole cast contraption, said the stiches looked great, then wrapped me up with more padding this time.

The doctor attributed my extreme pain to how extensive the injury and its repair were and prescribed a second pain reliever to be taken in conjunction with the first. That did the trick, and I was finally able to sleep a little at night.

I still wasn't ready to go back to work that day or the next.  It ended up I was off work three days total: the day of surgery and then two more days recovering. Because I work from home, I was able to return to work on the third day after my surgery by simply pulling my recliner over to my desk so I could work with my foot elevated. Ice is my best friend. 

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